We didn’t stay in Apricena, but we went to a small hotel in a nearby village.
The very first morning when I woke up I heard the voice through a loudspeaker in the streets. I went out to have a look and I saw this car driving around with all his merchandise on top of the car. It was a driving fashion shop.
Like I had seen in France here too most of the shops had disappeared from the villages and traveling salesmen were appearing in the streets to sell their merchandise. Soon after this one there came a fisherman, a butcher, a greengrocer, and a car that sold all kinds of stuff you might need—a small grocery car.

Soon after, we had to change hotels, and ended up on the coast. Here we found one of the few hotels still open (it was late in the season). The place was packed with hunters who partied until late and woke up way before the sun would rise. The hotel was of the kind that had all stone and marble walls and floors that make for tremendous noise; you would hear literally every noise that was produced. You could hear your neighbor snore, wheeze, and cough.